I’m pleased to announce that the latest episode of The Polyglot Developer Podcast has been published to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and pretty much every other major podcasting networking that exists.
The topic of this episode, Developing on the Blockchain, is the blockchain, and I’m joined by expert Lennart Frantzell from IBM to help walk us through everything you should know when it comes to developing on it.
If you’re interested in cryptocurrency, this episode is not for you. Instead, we’re exploring what the blockchain is, why people are developing on it, and how you can start developing your next application on it as well.
To listen to this episode, open your favorite podcast application such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and similar, or listen to the episode directly below.
If you want to get started with the IBM Hyperledger Fabric, as mentioned in this episode of the podcast, head over to the IBM website for more information.
If you’ve got a question regarding this episode, drop a message in the comments, or you can reach out to Lennart and myself directly. You can catch Lennart on Twitter at @lfrantzell or myself at @nraboy.