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Fill Empty Space With UI Elements Using The NativeScript GridLayout

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So recently I found myself needing to create a screen in a NativeScript Android and iOS app that had a ListView that sat below, or above, a Label UI element. The problem I faced was that there were issues with element sizing. On my first attempt I ended up with a Label and ListView that only took up a small portion of the screen, when I wanted the ListView to take up all remaining space. This is where the GridLayout comes in with its ability to have custom row and column sizing.

Using a GridLayout you can specify how rows and columns are fit around the screen.

Before going further, I wanted to say that I got inspiration for this article from Jen Looper’s article Demystifying NativeScript Layouts. Her article alone wasn’t enough to make me understand which is why I felt mine would be necessary.

I wanted to have a block of text, or in this case a Label to appear above a ListView. The ListView should fill any remaining space.

This is made possible by defining an automatic height to the first UI element and a wildcard fill height to the second. Both UI elements have a wildcard fill width.

So how do we do this? Let’s look at the following XML UI:

<Page loaded="pageLoaded">
        <ActionBar title="Tasks">
                <ActionItem text="New" ios.position="right" />
    <GridLayout columns="*" rows="auto, *">
        <Label text="{{ project.name || 'project name' }}" row="0" col="0" class="projectTitle" />
        <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1" col="0">
                    <Label text="{{ name || 'test name' }}" />

Notice the use of columns and rows in the GridLayout tag.

Per Jen Looper’s explanation:

  • auto – the row or column takes on the dimensions of its child
  • pixel – a numeric value specifies the size of the cell in device independent pixels
  • star – value specifies the relative value against other stars

The star will allow us to fill empty space.

I tried this with a variety of columns and rows and it seemed to work out fine. Maybe this short little blurb on the subject will help someone else facing a similar dilemma.

Nic Raboy

Nic Raboy

Nic Raboy is an advocate of modern web and mobile development technologies. He has experience in C#, JavaScript, Golang and a variety of frameworks such as Angular, NativeScript, and Unity. Nic writes about his development experiences related to making web and mobile development easier to understand.