In case you’re in the area and are interested, I will be in Atlanta, Georgia on October 16 and October 17 speaking at ConnectJS. This is a conference focusing on JavaScript development and mobile application development.
I will be giving two presentations titled Quick and Easy Development with Node.js and Couchbase Server and Developing For Offline Mobile Experiences.
The abstract for the Node.js talk is as follows:
Learn how to easily support a flexible data model, designed to scale, using Couchbase Server and the Node.js Couchbase SDK. Come ready to read code and see some of the great things you can accomplish with Couchbase NoSQL and Node.js.
The abstract for the mobile talk is as follows:
What happens when your mobile device does not have a network connection? That device will have no content, no experience and the amazing application that you spent so much effort to build just simply will not work.
This talk would be around the implementation story of creating offline and online applications on Mobile. With offline mobile apps, you are able to have a full experience without relying on network connectivity.
This conference will have many talks by a lot of awesome people. If you’re in the area, reach out to me on Twitter. I’d love to meet up.